Posted on Oct 06, 2020

EcoEducation: District Governor Visit

We had a great visit from the District Governor, Tom Gump.  He was joined by District Governor Elect Marianna Khauv and District Governor Nominee Lloyd Campbell.   Tom talked about the opportunities that get opened up for Rotarians --- opportunities for lifelong friendships with people from around the world, opportunities for service both locally and internationally, opportunities for leadership, and opportunities for the people and causes we serve.  
We were reminded about the simply incredible impact Rotary has had on the effort to eradicate Polio.  When Rotary began the effort 42 years ago there were over 350,000 new cases of Polio every year.  Today there are 121 cases.  TOTAL.  IN THE WORLD.  It is a striking picture and illustrates what this organization can do - and what you can do if you are a part of it.  
And we were also reminded that Rotary International has added the Environment as a focus area.  Clubs can now submit for a local grant or a global grant with a focus solely on the environment.   Our first local grant has just completed, so we are very excited about the prospect of choosing a new project for 2021-2022 that will put the environment front and center.  What are your ideas?? 
Finally we got a chance to hear from our own member Kris and her experience attending the Rotary sponsored training in partnership with the local YMCA on racial equity.  She passed on some great resources such as this YouTube video that shows how bias can even show up in artistic expression.