Posted on Sep 07, 2021

EcoEducation: Vitalizing our Lives, Regenerating our Food System

Beth Dooley, author of the Perennial Kitchen, talked with us about supporting regenerative farming as consumers.  We've learned quite a bit about the benefits of regenerative farming in past EcoClub meetings (including our Kiss the Ground film discussion) and a past EcoChallenge connected to the topic.  

One of the biggest challenges for farmers to transition to regenerative farming is the lack of infrastructure that will support crops beyond monocrops like corn and soy.  Consumers have a roll in supporting this transition and creating a market for crops that help our health as well as the environment.  

Artisan grains are examples of foods that we can support as consumers that will help our bodies and planet.  Beth suggested a few grains to examine:
Oat Groats are the whole grain version of oats.  If you have an instant-pot, here is a great quick recipe for oat groats to use as a breakfast food or combine with salad. 
Wild rice, our indigenous grass/grain, is extremely nutritious and the harvesting process supports the surrounding ecosystem. 
Kernza, the grain with the incredible root systems that helps water penetration and carbon sequestration, is being milled in Bloomington and Kernza flour can be purchased at Lakewind Co-ops or online from Perennial Pantry.
And finally, Beth introduced us to shellers -- fresh dried organically grown beans.  You can find them at farmers' markets.  They cook more quickly than the dried beans you will get at a grocery store and are delicious and nutritious.