Posted on May 18, 2021

EcoEducation:  Driving Forward the Circular Economy

What's the circular economy?  At its simplest it is when the output or waste of one process is the input for another process. And so on.
Environmental Initiative has been in existence for 30 years and works with companies to reduce carbon emissions, clean up farming practices and understand how the environment affects the local community. A great way to see the kind of work they support is to take a look at the 2021 Environmental Initiative Award Winners.  The Environmental Initiative Awards celebrates people and projects working in partnership at the nexus of a healthy environment, a prosperous economy and an equitable society.
Other examples of projects they've completed are retrofitting of school buses, new engines in tug boats, mining trucks and freight trains. 
Clean Air MN is one of their programs. Project Green Fleet is within the Clean Air MN program that helps businesses transition their low efficiency diesel running vehicles to more efficient engines and technology. 
 They also work with companies like PepsiCo and Walmart to support sustainable farming practices.  They provide guidance for companies to turn their "landscapes into productive, biologically diverse areas" that are not only beautiful but provide a return on investment. 
Nearly 30 Minnesota businesses and organizations form the Sustainable Growth Coalition, a business led partnership harnessing their expertise to advance the next frontier of corporate sustainability.
What actions can you take day to day to advance circularity in your life?
What actions could you take as a Rotary EcoClub?
What circularity and sustainability progress are you proud of at your organization? How can you share that?
Are there actions can you take as an employee to advance circularity in your organization/ department/ role?